Spring Specials are happening at Pure Touch!

 Happy Spring Pure Touchers
Spring has sprung~ thank you for taking advantage of our Spring Savings! Come back for more savings again soon.

8oz. Watersperse Massage Oils
were just $10 each!


Watersperse Massage Oil is the most innovative product you can use. We have blended the highest quality cold-pressed oils with a coconut derived skin conditioner which also facilitates the dispersibility of oil in water. Watersperse washes off hands, linens and clothing.
No more stains or Rancid smells!

Inflation Buster Sale!

Soothe the bite with Watersperse Massage and Bath Oil

We’ve all been feeling the bite! At Pure Touch Therapeutics, we have really been facing the prices increases and especially on our massage oils. But, we have come a long way this year and we can finally offer our “Pure Toucher’s” a great discount! We have taken 30% off our Watersperse 8oz Massage oils just to prove that we can’t be beat! While supplies last… Stock up and Save on our 8oz Washable Massage and Bath Oils! And don’t forget those special folks at Christmas! Purchase by 11-21-22 to get your shopping done early and let’s stay in touch! Love, LuAnne

Together, we are making a difference!

Due to the developing situation with COVID-19 “ Coronavirus” Pure Touch Therapeutics wants to assure you that we are taking all precautionary steps to minimize the impact on our facility by taking preventative measures to protect ourselves, our suppliers, customers, brokers and outside contractors. As of now, Pure Touch Therapeutics is experiencing some disruption in our supply chain and anticipate future issues as we purchase through US supply chains backlogged on the manufacturing of containers and closures. We are working diligently to replenish our stocks and bring in new containers to replace some of our stock items. Our look may change slightly but not our formulations or prices. Throughout this you may see our prices go down as we try to keep our Pure Touch Family and new Friends supplied with our products.

  • Sanitation and Cleanliness – Pure Touch maintains a Cleanliness and Sanitation Policy that exceeds what is recommended by the State of California, FDA, CDC and OSHA. Nevertheless, we have elevated the frequency of our cleaning procedures and have implemented the use of additional Anti-Bacterial cleaners throughout our facility and on every box and container coming in and going out of our facility.
  • Visitors – Pure Touch is restricting facility admittance to include only necessary personnel, approved transporters and suppliers, brokers and customer meetings have also been suspended.
  • Business and personal Travel – Foreign and Domestic travel by air has been suspended for all Pure Touch personnel until further notice.
  • Illness – Pure Touch has and will continue to be in close contact with all personnel and as the evolving situation unfolds. All contact and updates within our little town of Fallbrook, CA  is being closely monitored.

We will continue to communicate more to you as we adapt to this on-going situation and I thank you for your confidence as we carefully manage this world crisis within our own back yard.

 LuAnne Kelly-Hail, owner of Pure Touch Therapeutics @ Flower Child *F*A*R*M*

760-451-9171 or 1-800-442-PURE (7873)    www.puretouch.net / puretouch@sbcglobal.net