Purely Natural Massage Lotion – Washable long lasting, Fragrance Free, French Lavender and Jasmine refreshing All Pure Touch Products 10% Off with Coupon Code “STOCK UP”


This blend will not clog the pores, making it an excellent choice for the entire body. Pure Touch Massage and Body Lotion will delight your skin!

Use this lotion during and after massage, shower or work out.

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Our therapeutic Massage and Body Lotion is a soothing rich emulsion of nature’s own cold-pressed vegetable oils. Developed with the massage professional in mind, this water soluble, non-greasy, non-staining, non-allergenic lotion contains therapeutic levels of Vitamin E to soothe, soften and hydrate the skin during and after massage, keeping it supple by forming a protective barrier against harsh weather and pollutants.

Additional information

Weight .5 lbs
Choose the scent.

Fragrance Free, Lavender Rain, Jasmine-Refreshing

Choose the size.

8 oz, ½ gallon, 1 gallon